Secure Shopping

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Reduce your chances of becoming a victim whether you're shopping at the mall or at a tiangge. Follow these tips to keep your shopping safe and worry-free.

Make a list. Write everything down before you step into the mall. You'll spend less time wandering aimlessly around, lessening your chances of getting stuck in the crowd prone to pickpockets. It also keeps you within budget.

Shop early. Start way before the season hits to avoid the crowds and the stress of buying gifts at the last minute. Try to get to the mall just before it opens. That way, you'll get prime parking space and a headstart before everyone else starts coming.

Park safely. Well-lit areas are best, especially if shopping in the evening. Always keep your car keys with you and make sure all doors are locked. Do not leave the parking card or ticket inside the car. Most of all, remember where you parked. Becoming lost and confused can make you an easy target for criminals, and you don't want to add more stress after a day of shopping. Safety experts advice that you park near the mall doors to avoid a long walk back to your vehicle.

Hide your stuff. Keep valuables out of sight. If you have a car, keep them in the trunk, or put them on the floor.

Keep your bags and purchases close to you at all times. If your hands are full and you're not done shopping yet, load all your shopping bags in the car, if you brought one. Otherwise, count the number of bags grip on them as you walk around.

Keep your cash. Try not to bring too much cash. Use a credit card or debit card. Otherwise, be discreet when handling your money. Avoid counting your money in the public, especially after withdrawing from an ATM. Take out only what you need. If you can, get one of those pouches you can strap across your body to lessen the chances of getting your valuables snatched from you.

Be vigilant. Try not to be too distracted with your shopping to the point that you don't notice what's going on around you. Be aware of suspicious persons lurking around.

Take someone along. It's best to shop with at least one other person. As they say, there's safety in numbers.

Trust your gut. If you get a nagging feeling you're not in a safe place (e.g. at the ATM, or at a jeepney terminal), leave immediately.

Have your keys ready when you step into the parking area. Fumbling for your keys can distract you from impending danger.

Report it right away. See anything or anyone suspicious? Been victimized by a snatcher or pickpocket? Report immediately to the mall's security, a store employee, or the police (major malls have installed police desks to assist shoppers).



